We can't deny our privilege and power when we're serving people in encampments. The only appropriate exercise of privilege is to benefit the people we serve. Period.

Our work also comes with a degree of responsibility to do no harm. We are doing it wrong if the way we move and the things we do jeopardizes the people we serve.

We are also responsible to protect our volunteers.

It's hard, but when we do it right, it's super rewarding for our guests and volunteers. I told someone yesterday one of the best parts of my job is witnessing volunteers grow in confidence in their roles, communicating authentically, and building real connections with the people they serve. It's the best! And it's the point!

Our work is not just the actual lunches and showers. It's about the people making the lunches, delivering the lunches, and cleaning the showers too.

We need you! If you are interested in serving with us, or working for us, please DM here or email taralouise@beencouragedinc.com.

Our Monday Shower Program has been amazing. We've had good momentum serving the unhoused in the Midtown urban core. We're building amazing connections, providing relief for the suffering, establishing a boundary of mercy and grace with our showers and brown bag lunches, and developing praying relationships with many of the guests we serve.

It's been a sweet time for us and now we really need help growing the momentum.

Are you retired? Student with a flexible schedule? Work from home with a flexible schedule? Have Mondays off? Unemployed?

Would you consider serving for our shower program on Mondays? We need a team of volunteers to serve on a regular basis. We also need reliable food donations.

Can you commit to providing food or volunteering one or two standing Mondays a month? Getting a YES from just a few of you would be game changing for our ability to serve the unhoused community with integrity.

If you are looking for a part-time job, we actually have a few positions available. Click image below for more information.

Be Encouraged Inc and Midtown Church  are actively engaged in direct outreach to the most marginalized humans in our city.  We firmly believe that genuine connections pave the way for the gospel to naturally flow. 

Our mission? To deliver hygiene, food, water, and above all, kindness to Sacramento's unhoused population, with the ultimate goal of providing them with stable housing.

With you as partners, we're fostering relationships and building trust with those we serve.  In a community where trust is scarce, we strive to be known as the ones who truly care. 

We listen to their stories, their struggles, and their dreams. Every interaction is an opportunity to affirm their worth and for them to understand how God really sees them.

We're not just providing services; we're restoring hope and dignity. We're honored to be trusted allies of the encampments, and we're confident that through our efforts, God will bring about salvation and transformation.

But we can't do it alone. We need your support to sustain and expand our efforts. 

Join us on this journey of compassion and transformation. Let's make a difference in the lives of Sacramento's unhoused community. 

Join us for a reality tour through the unhoused encampments we serve.  Meet the people we serve.  See the conditions in which they live. 

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the   least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’  Matt 25:40